Property management

We develop and manage commercial forestry and agroforestry enterprises on behalf of private investors. Our services include silvicultural planning, forest operations, ESG, and financial management.

Forestal Azul S.A.

Forestal Azul S.A. is a Paraguayan FSC-certified (FSC® C141437) company that owns 7,910 ha of land deforested decades ago, on which different land use systems are combined intelligently for integrated and resilient production schemes. This includes forest plantations, silvopastoral systems, restoration of degraded natural forests, and plantation of the Chuta Nut in agroforestry systems. The aim is to produce high quality timber as well as beef, nuts and carbon credits. The company is owned and operated by a German family business, with Unique forest investment controlling minority shares.

Forestal Apepu S.A.

Forestal Apepu S.A. is a Paraguayan FSC-certified (FSC® C157449) forestry company, owned by an international fund. The company establishes sustainable forest plantations on 8,300 ha in eastern Paraguay for the production of quality timber and the generation of carbon credits. Areas previously used for mechanized soy production and implanted pasture, are converted into a landscape mixing lowlands, natural forest and forest plantations. Novel biodiversity monitoring components are integrated into the project to measures the plantations impact on the previously deforested landscape it occupies.

Forestal San Pedro S.A. ​

Unique wood manages an asset of around 6,000 ha of forest plantations, envisaged to expand to 8,000 ha in the name of an international fund. The aim is to produce high quality, FSC-certified timber (FSC® C169494) and carbon credits. The project expands on leased land belonging to cattle ranchers, and builds on cooperation with these property owners through the establishment of silvopastoral systems. The business model contributes to the diversification of the landscape and supports the sustainable intensification of cattle production.

Unique wood managed the first FSC-certified sustainable natural forest management enterprise in Paraguay, in the endangered Atlantic forest in Eastern Paraguay.

In 2001 Unique wood collaborated with the agroindustrial Company PAYCO to foster natural forest protection through sustainable timber production by establishing the joint venture FORCERPA.

The project encompassed around 5,650 ha of the endangered Atlantic Forest in the Department of Caazapá, which has been succesfully managed for timber production for over 15 years.